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Swift Waters School Handbook

 Safe Arrival/Attendance Procedure
If your child is absent, please contact the school prior to 9:00 AM
(This includes walkers on snow days).
Phone: 613-341-8710
Input electronically through My Family Room, visit to register.

The Safe Arrival program mandates that we contact a student's parent/guardian each day a student is absent. Please let the school know the reason for your child's absence. You can call the school, leave a message on the answering machine or use MyFamilyRoom ( to let the school know of any absences. If your child is being picked up at school as a planned absence, please put a note
in your child's agenda. The note must indicate the name of the student being picked up, identify the person picking up the student and note the time the student will be picked up. The parent/guardian
must sign out the student at the office as they exit the school. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds at lunch or recess to walk into town or visit the local convenience store.

As per Policy 107 - Unexplained Non-Attendance Program (formerly Safe Arrival) parents are required to:
1) Report your child’s absence in advance by calling the school; sending a note with the child before the day of the absence when it is known ahead of time; or sending a note with siblings.
2) Provide current and suitable contact telephone numbers and update them promptly if they change.
3) Stress the importance of daily and prompt attendance with their children. All unaccounted student absences will be followed up with a phone call to a parent. Calls will continue to be made until a verbal
confirmation regarding the child’s absence is obtained. Attempts will be made to contact the emergency contact(s). Follow-up on unsuccessful contacts will include contacting: the Special Services Counsellor,
the police, the Superintendent, as appropriate. Other subsequent steps might include contact with a neighbour or a visit to the home.

If dismissal plans for a student change during the day, please contact the school as soon as possible to advise of the change, preferably no later than 2:00pm. This allows us to notify students and teaching staff without interruption to classroom instructional time. The school telephone is typically very busy after this time of day and there is a risk that your dismissal plan changes would not be received before the end of the school day. In the event that your child must be picked up unexpectedly, please contact the school to advise of this need, indicating the time of pick up and who will be picking up the student.

At all times, anyone picking up a child at school is required to enter the school through the main entrance. Please report to the main office, identify yourself and advise the principal/office administrator that you are picking up the student.

There are occasions throughout the year when students believe they will be picked up at dismissal rather than ride the bus home. In order to avoid unnecessary worry for parents and caregivers, our policy is that students will be sent home on their regular bus if they do not have a note or a parent phone call has not been received.

Visitors and Parents/guardians 

All visitors, including parents/guardians and volunteers, must enter and exit the building via the Main Entrance and use the Visitors Logbook located in the main office to sign-in and sign-out.

As a bus safety measure, vehicles are restricted from entering and parking in the bus loading zone during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal. Vehicles are not permitted to enter or exit the parking
lot while buses are in the bus-loading zone.

If your child walks or you are driving your child to school, please note that supervision on the yard starts at 9:15. No child is allowed on the yard without proper supervision. In the case of an emergency, it may be possible to make special arrangements by contacting the office.

Transportation: The Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario provides detailed guidelines for parents and guardians regarding the transportation of students. An information booklet is given to every
student at the beginning of the school year and is also posted on the STEO website at

Parents/guardians should be aware that school bus drivers can only pick up and drop off riders at one authorized regular daily stop. Drivers cannot make changes to stops without authorization from STEO.

Transportation for all non-school related functions is the responsibility of parents/guardians.

Transportation cannot be provided for sleepovers, a homework project, etc. These requests cannot be permitted for safety reasons.

School Council: School Council is composed of parents, the principal, students, teaching staff, education support staff and community representatives. The mandate of our School Council is to advise both the
school and the Board of Education on any matters relating to the organization and operation of the school and the school system. Check the school website for dates set for the current school year.

Photographs and Recording Audio/Video
On school property, no one is allowed to record audio/video or take pictures of staff or students at any time or anywhere unless they have the permission of the Principal/Vice-Principal and all of the people in
the photograph, video or sound recording. Taking a picture or recording someone without their permission could be an invasion of privacy and might lead to suspension, expulsion, criminal charges, or a civil lawsuit.
NOTE: If a student violates any policy stated above the device could be confiscated and the possible consequences listed above will be followed.

Tobacco, Cannabis, e-Cigarettes and Vaporizers
In our pursuit to encourage and promote healthy lifestyles, students will not be allowed to be in possession of tobacco products, cannabis products, e-cigarettes and vaporizers at school at any time. If a
student is found with tobacco, cannabis, e-cigarettes or vaporizers in their possession on school property it will be confiscated by the school staff, parents/guardians will be contacted, and consequences may be imposed. If students are caught using, selling or distributing tobacco or cannabis products (e.g. smoking, chewing tobacco, using cannabis or other), e-cigarettes or vaporizers on school property it will be confiscated, and the Tobacco Enforcement officer may be contacted, and consequences will be enforced.

NOTE: The Smoke Free Ontario Act provides an exemption for the use of tobacco products for “…the traditional use of tobacco that forms part of Aboriginal culture and spirituality.” An Indigenous person has the right to use tobacco for traditional Indigenous cultural or spiritual purposes. In such cases, the principal or appropriate Superintendent must be informed in advance to confirm whether any special measures may be needed to be introduced to support the ceremony or practice within the school setting or, on board property.

Weapons, Firecrackers, Matches, Lighters and Laser Pointers

The possession and/or display of weapons and firecrackers on school property is strictly forbidden. Such
possession may result in immediate suspension. The public display or use of lighters or matches on
school property is prohibited. In the interest of student and staff safety, water pistols, toy guns and
laser pointers are not permitted on school property.
Damage to School Property
Students should report all damage of school property to the main office as soon as possible. Students who are responsible for damages to school property or for the loss of school property may be expected to pay for the repair or the replacement of the property and may receive further applicable consequences.

Food Sharing:

Students are not permitted to bring food to share at school. We have extenstive food allergies and we cannot have any food brought in to share with other students. 

Nut Allergies:

As many of you are aware, some students/staff at our schools have been diagnosed with severe allergies to peanuts, peanut butter and nut products. In some cases, even trace amounts of peanut butter and/or
nut products could jeopardize the life of a child/person with this allergy. Please do not send peanut butter or products containing nuts of any kind to school. Imitation peanut butter or any soy butter are not permitted in the school as it is hard to differentiate these products from peanut butter or nut spreads. Your cooperation in this regard could save a life and is greatly appreciated!

Parent Volunteers

The Board’s procedure on Volunteers reads, “all volunteers having contact with students are required, under Board policy, to obtain and submit a Criminal Reference Check” and “while all persons are
encouraged to volunteer their services, the Board reserves the right to accept or deny any offer of service….”. Paperwork for the reference checks is available at the office and is submitted on your behalf, through the school at no charge to the volunteer.

If you wish to volunteer in any capacity (school trips, hot lunch, volunteer driver, reading with children, coaching, etc.), you will need to ensure that such a document is on file in the school office. You will need to provide two pieces of identification with your birth date, one of which must be photo id (i.e. Driver’s licence) and neither can be your Health card. Offence Declarations are to be completed on an annual basis and are kept on file in the office.

Progressive Discipline

It is the policy of the Upper Canada District School Board, with respect to progressive discipline, to support a safe learning and teaching environment in which every pupil can reach their full potential. Appropriate action must consistently be taken by schools to address behaviours thatare contrary to provincial and Board Codes of Conduct.

Progressive discipline is an approach that makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences, building upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. The range of interventions, supports, and consequences used by the Board and all schools must be clear and
developmentally appropriate, and must include learning opportunities for pupils in order reinforce positive behaviours and help pupils make good choices. For pupils with special education and/or disability related needs, interventions, supports and consequences must be consistent with the expectations in the student's IEP and/or their demonstrated abilities. The Board, and school administrators, must consider all mitigating and other factors, as required by the Education Act and
as set out in Ontario Regulation 472/07. The continuum of interventions in our progressive discipline model begins at the classroom level between the teacher and the student and then includes the student’s parent/guardian.

Interventions may include but are not limited to:

Teacher-student meeting
Community service
Contact with parents
Conflict mediation
Verbal reminders
Peer mentoring
Written reflective assignments
Referral to counselling
Problem-solving activity
Meeting with parent
Meeting with parent/student/admin.
Quiet area to work
Referral to community agency
Removal from class
Withdrawal of classroom privileges
Update call to parent
Restitution for damages
Office referral/detentions
Restorative practices
Home consequences
Other interventions deemed appropriate
Some possible next steps that involve the Administration/Student/Teacher/Parent:
Update call to parent
Meeting with parent
Withdrawal from class
Meeting with student and teacher
Conflict Mediation
Alternative to suspension
Referral to community agency
Referral to support staff
Community Service
Withdrawal of school privileges
Restitution for damages
Restorative practices
Reflection activities

When addressing inappropriate behaviour, school staff should consider the particular pupil and circumstances, including any mitigating and other factors as set out in the Student Discipline Procedures, the nature and severity of the behaviour, and the impact on the school climate.

Suspensions and Expulsions

When a principal determines that a pupil has committed one or more infractions on school property, during school-related activities or events, and/or in circumstances off of school property, where the infraction has an impact on the school climate, a principal will consider whether that pupil should be suspended or be recommended to the Board Expulsion Committee.

Note: If a pupil is suspended, they are suspended from their school and from engaging in all schoolrelated activities. The student cannot be on any school property within the UCDSB without the permission from the school principal.

Activities for which suspension may be considered under section 306(1) of the Education Act (This does not apply for students in JK to grade 3)
□ Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person
□ Possessing alcohol, illegal and//or restricted drugs
□ Being under the influence of alcohol, illegal or restricted drugs
□ Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority
□ Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil’sschool or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school
□ Bullying
□ Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school
□ Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of members of the school community
□ Any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the Board or school Code of Conduct
□ Opposition to authority
□ Habitual neglect of duty
□ Committing physical assault on another person that does not require treatment by a medical practitioner.
□ Use of profanity/swearing
□ Possessing cannabis, unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user
□ Being under the influence of cannabis, unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user

Activities for which expulsion must be considered under section 310(1) of the Education Act
□ Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm or knife
□ Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person
□ Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner
□ Committing sexual assault
□ Trafficking in weapons, illegal or restricted drugs
□ Committing robbery
□ Giving alcohol to a minor
□ Bullying if: i) The pupil has previously been suspended for engaging in bullying, and ii) the pupil’s continuing presence in the school creates an unacceptable risk to the safety of another person
□ Any activity for which a suspension may be imposed that is motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other similar factor
□ An act considered by the principal to be significantly injurious to the moral tone of the school and/or to the physical or mental well-being of others
□ A pattern of behaviour that is so inappropriate that the pupil’s continued presence is injurious to the effective learning and/or working environment of others
□ Activities engaged in by the pupil on or off school property that cause the pupil’s continuing presence in the school to create an unacceptable risk to the physical or mental well-being of other person(s) in the school or Board
□ Activities engaged in by the pupil on or off school property that have caused extensive damage to the property of the board or to goods that are/were on Board property
□ The pupil has demonstrated through a pattern of behaviour that they have not prospered by the instruction available to them and that they are persistently resistant to making changes in behaviour which would enable them to prosper
□ An act considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the Board or school Code of Conduct
□ Where the student has no history of discipline or behaviour intervention, or no relevant history, a single act, incident or infraction considered by the principal to be a serious breach of the Board or school
Code of Conduct
□ Giving cannabis to a minor
□ Any act considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the requirements for pupil behaviour
and/or a serious breach of the Board or school Code of Conduct
□ Where a pupil has no history of discipline or behaviour intervention, or no relevant history, a single act, incident or infraction considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the expectations of pupil behaviour and/or a serious breach of the Board or school Code of Conduct

Note: If a pupil is suspended, they are suspended from their school and from engaging in all schoolrelated activities. The student cannot be on any school property within the UCDSB without the permission from the school principal.



There is an imminent threat to staff and students inside the school or in relation to the school.
• All Staff and students should go to the nearest classroom/room.
• Classroom doors and windows are to be locked
• Staff and students are to remain away from doors and windows and out of the line of sight from the windows and doors
• If staff and students are outside the school: they should run for cover behind the nearest solid structure or seek safety and security in a spot off of school grounds – they should NOT re-enter the building unless absolutely necessary for protection
• REMAIN QUIET!!! - Make the classroom look, feel and sound empty.
• No contact with office unless information about suspect/incident/bomb/fire.
• No cell phone usage within the classroom.
• Ignore the fire alarm unless there is clear evidence of a fire and an immediate threat to student safety
• Washroom: If a student is in a washroom and can’t go to another room immediately and safely during a lockdown they should enter a stall, lock the stall door and climb up on the toilet so their feet cannot be seen while remaining quiet.
• ALL staff and students should remain in their safe location until they are removed by the police.

“Hold and Secure”

The potential threat is outside the school.
• All exterior doors to the school must be locked.
• All students and staff must return and enter the school if they are outside.
• Once all students and staff have returned inside the school, no one is allowed in or out of the school until the code cancelled.
• Staff and students can continue what they were doing inside the school.

“Shelter in Place”

This is a non-violent threat in the community or a weather situation that could place students and staff
at risk.
• All staff and students must return and enter the school if they are outside.
• All students and staff must remain in the school until the code is removed or permission is granted by
the principal to leave the school.
• Staff and students can continue what they were doing inside the school.

Fire Drills

When an alarm is sounded, the building is evacuated. Each classroom has a fire exit instruction sign posted near the door which directs students to the appropriate exit. When the alarm sounds, students must file out in a calm and orderly manner while moving with their class. Once outside they must move away from the building with their class. Attendance will be taken outside once the class is a safe distance from the school. You must cooperate fully with school officials and fire fighters. A similar
procedure is to be followed in all emergency evacuations.

Taking Medication at School – Authorization for Administration of Medication

The Upper Canada District School Board will not administer prescribed medication for students without the authorization of a licensed physician and the medication must be received within a properly labelled pharmacy
bottle. The administration of prescription and / or non-prescription medication to a student is the responsibility of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Treatment regimens should, where possible, be adjusted to avoid administration of medication (prescription/non-prescription) during school hours.

The Board recognizes that there may be exceptional cases where a student must have medication administered during regular school hours. Students are not permitted to self-administer without the
appropriate supervision and authorization on file. In order for students to take medication or have medication administered at school the following steps must be followed:

The Authorization for the Administration of Medication form must be completed and signed by a licensed physician and/or the parent(s)/guardian(s). This form will need to be completed for every new school year and/or for each medication which requires administration by the school. Should there be a dosage change for any medication a new form must be submitted.

All prescribed medication must be received within a pharmacy bottle and the label on the bottle must provide instruction on how to administer such medication. The pharmacist medication information sheet
must also be provided with the Authorization for Administration of Medication form. Non- prescribed medication must be in its original packaging.

Medications stored at school, for self/school administration, must be appropriately labeled (in original container) with the student’s name, medication name, amount required, frequency, proper storage of medication, expiration date, and include any special instructions regarding side effects or emergency procedures. Medication must be stored in a secure and designated location to avoid loss or tampering.

The Authorization for the Administration of Medication Form can be picked up from the main office.

NOTE: Students are not permitted to transport or keep medication with them for safety reasons. The exception here is an epi-pen or asthma inhaler if students have a signed permission form to carry their epi-pen or asthma inhaler in school.

For more information in regard to medication please contact the main office.


The Upper Canada District School Board (Board) recognizes concussions as a serious injury which requires appropriate follow-up measures to reduce risk of potential additional injury. Concussion awareness, prevention, identification and management are a priority for the Board.

The Board recognizes that children and adolescents are among those at greatest risk for concussions and that while there is potential for a concussion any time there is body trauma, the risk is greatest
during activities where collisions can occur, such as during physical education classes, playground time, or school-based sports activities.

It is critical that a student with a suspected concussion be examined by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner as soon as possible on the same day. If a student has a suspected concussion whether it is school related or not it is imperative that the school be made aware so that a Return to Learn/Return to Physical Activity Plan can be developed in collaboration with the school, home and medical practitioner. 

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